вторник, 19 февруари 2013 г.

B-Team: Black Ops 2 - Race To Commander Ep33

That's right, B-Team goes to WAR! This is our Call of Duty Black Ops 2 series with a twist: BdoubleO and I are racing to see who can get to Commander first (we only play the game together). The loser has to WEAR A DRESS and walk down the street IN PUBLIC, which of course will be FILMED and UPLOADED TO YOUTUBE! Did I mention I've never played a COD game ever? And that I'm left handed? Which end of the gun do I point? Oh boy... ;-) Intro Music is "Electric High" by 8-Bit Weapon! Support Indie Music and buy their albums at 8bitweapon.bandcamp.com
Time:25:20More inGaming

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